
All'news of the Culinare Bio brand : new products, recipes and much more to discover

First of all, basil pesto, which appeared in Roman times, is no longer to be discovered as it is so well known. Indeed, it is a tasty mixture of basil, olive oil, garlic, pine nuts and parmigiano or pecorino cheese. Often associated with pasta, it is also eaten on toast or

Everyone knows this classic aperitif, but what is hummus in reality? What is hummus: a composition as simple as it is delicious? First of all, hummus is a delicious combination of chickpea puree and tahini (sesame puree), to which we add a hint of juice.

A rich composition that boosts health Why is hummus good for your health? Hummus or hummus is a mixture of chickpeas, tahini which is a paste of sesame seeds, olive oil, lemon juice and spices. A mixture as delicious as it is rich in healthy ingredients for

What to eat with hummus? Ingredients: 250 grams of hummus 4 tablespoons of olive oil 10 grams of capers 10 grams of feta Pepper Onion Clove of garlic 3 spoons of crème fraîche Salt Pepper With cream of peppers, feta and capers Time required: 10 minutes . Preparation: Cut

Easy hummus recipe without tahini Ingredients: 250 grams of drained canned chickpeas 4 tablespoons of rapeseed oil 2 tablespoons of lemon juice 2 tablespoons of cashew nuts 1 pomegranate (for garnish) Mint (for decorate) Salt Mixer or blender